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Enhance PHP Unit Testing And Mocking Framework improve the quality

Mock Method Calls

Here are some examples of mocking method calls with Enhance PHP. If you aren't interested in using the mock to verify the expectations as part of a test, you might be more interested in using a stub - the syntax for both is very similar, but the stub is not used to pass or fail a test.

Getting A Mock Class

$mock = \Enhance\MockFactory::createMock('MyClassName');

To get a mock class, simply ask the MockFactory to create a mock and pass in the name of the class.

Typical Usage

Typically, you will want to set all of the different parameters for a mocked method.

$mock->addExpectation(\Enhance\Expect::method('getSomething')->with(1, 'Arg2')->returns('Something')->times(1));

In this example we set the following:

If you want the expectation to be verified as part of your test (which is the purpose of a mock), you must call the verifyExpectations method at the end of your test:


Mock An Exception

$mock->addExpectation(\Enhance\Expect::method('getSomething')->with(1, 'Arg2')->throws('Exception message.')->times(1));